

Leaving a gift in your Will is a powerful way to leave a legacy for future generations.

We appreciate that family and loved ones always come first when it comes to considering your Will. After ensuring that this is the case, you might also consider leaving a gift in your Will to The Pirate Ship Foundation.

Making a gift in your Will, allows you to give support to your favourite charities beyond your lifetime, and ensures that there is a legal document outlining your wishes. You can leave money, property or a percentage of your estate after your death; and with it your stamp on the future. The gift provides crucial funding to allow the likes of The Pirate Ship Foundation to continue our vital work.

When you make a gift in your Will, you can have peace of mind that you will, one day, be supporting the organisation whose work you believe in and will enable our important research to continue. 

Leaving gift in your Will can be anonymous but letting your charity know of your kindness allows them to make plans for the future, assist you with wording and thank you personally. Making a Will should give you peace of mind that comes from planning ahead for those you care for – and children with brain cancer. Any information you share with us will be kept strictly confidential and will be used respectfully and appropriately.

We strongly recommend that you seek legal advice and talk through how you wish your estate to be distributed.

If you intend remembering The Pirate Ship Foundation in your Will, we suggest the following legal wording be used.

“I give and bequeath to The Pirate Ship Foundation (ABN 89 617 078 485), for its general purposes, free of all duties [Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below], for which an authorised receipt from The Pirate Ship Foundation will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”

Through making a gift in your Will, you have the power to help us achieve our mission of identifying improved treatment options for children with brain cancer, ultimately leading to a cure.

Your gift, no matter how large or small, will make a difference.

Thank you for considering making a gift in your Will to The Pirate Ship Foundation.

Abi's Story
Conor Colgan